Impact on receiving coutry

Cards (8)

  • The government receives tax from migrant workers who are doing jobs that British people will not do due to low and unsociable hours
  • Generally, migrants are perceived as hard workers and many are highly skilled (e.g. engineers) and/or graduates so brought sought after skills during the UK construction boom
  • The language barriers and cultural differences can lead to racial tension. This means ethnic groups will tend to not integrate which can add to the tension
  • May lead to the development of over crowded, multi-occupancy accommodation due to the pressures on housing in certain areas
  • The education system may become strained due to the number of children for whom English is not their first language
  • Due to the number of migrants entering Scotland this can lead to increased unemployment rates as a knock-on effect of the economic downturn. This may add to the resentment of migrants
  • It is positive for a multicultural society (e.g. language, food, music) and would include polish shops or aisles in supermarkets
  • Because migrants will often work for lower wages this reduces labour costs for companies and the tax paid by migrants can also be used by government to invest in local services