
Cards (37)

  • Miller 

    magic number 7 +/- 2 items
  • Peterson + Peterson 

    duration of the stm
  • Baddeley 

    encoding - stm is acoustically + ltm is semantically
  • chunking 

    a technique that can be used to increase the capacity of the STM
  • acoustic
    how it sounds
  • semantic 

    the meaning
  • multi store model of memory
    environmental stimuli - sensory register if attention is paid STM with rehearsal LTM retrieval STM
  • Evaluation of MSM
    HM case study - confirmed STM + LTM is independant, can't explain that the two stores are separate parts of the brain
    Clive Wearing - shows 2 separate parts of the brain + too simplistic - Clive could remember some LTM but not others
  • Baddeley + Hitch 

    Working memory model
    Central executive sorts into separate stores, phonological loop, episodic buffer and viso spatial sketchpad
    shows how a person can do two things at once
  • Central executive
    modality free - processes all types of info
    very limited capacity
    directs slave systems to be allocated tasks
  • phonological loop

    inner ear - stores words
    inner voice - used for words seen of heard eg for reading
  • visuo-spatical sketchpad 

    visual cache - stores info about visual items eg colour or shapes
    inner scribe - stores the arrangement of objects eg letters
  • episodic buffer

    general store added in 2000, eg time sequencing
  • semantic
    knowledge of the world
  • episodic
    personal events/ experiences
  • procedural
    how to do something/ motor skills
  • context cues
    environmental factors
  • state context
    emotional state we are in
  • Goodwin
    drunk man study - found people were more likely to remember when they are put into the same environment that they learnt it in eg learning drunk remembering drunk
  • evaluation of Goodwin 

    real life application - drunkman + scuba drivers
    " " - revision
    other reasons for forgetting
  • proactive interference 

    old memories interfere with new ones
  • retroactive interference

    new memories interfere with old ones
  • Gabbert 

    71% of pp gave an inaccurate statement after discussing what they had seen with a confederate co-witness (gun video)
  • Loftus + palmer 

    looked at the effects on leading questions - smashed caused pp to increase the speed compared to contacted
  • Johnson + Scott
    bloody knife + greasy pen
    holding a knife - 33% accuracy
    holding a pen - 49% accuracy
  • Christianson + Hubbinette
    bank robbery
    anxiety levels made recall improve
  • Yerkes-Dodson law
    depends on how stressed you are causes memory
  • Pickle study
    found that anxiety isn't the only thing to influence re-call it can be surprise as well
    lowest recall - chicken
    highest recall - wallet
  • Fisher et al
    argued ewt could be improved, created a better technique - cognitive interview
  • the cognitive interview
    report everything, reinstate the context, reverse the order and change perspectives
  • report everything

    ew are encouraged to include every single detail not matter how irrelevant
  • reinstate the context 

    the witness should return to the crime scene within their mind
  • reverse the order

    events are recalled in a different order to prevent people being dishonest as it is harder to be untruthful
  • change perspective 

    recalling from another perspective of another person - prevents them reporting their expectations
  • enhanced cognitive interview 

    focuses on the interviewee/ interviewers dynamics rather than the specific questions eg asking them to speak slowly or minding distractions
  • cognitive interview has been shown to improve recall by up to 50% compared with standard interviews
  • Encoding specificity principle 

    info in LTM but forgetting happens due to absence of appropriate cues/ prompts encoded at the same time