The statement may clearly separate the symptoms from the underlying causes of the problem, identify relevant constraints, and reveal key relationships among the factors involved in the problem situation
All the underlying causes of the problem should be isolated and clearly stated, as this may help uncover key interrelationships among the causal factors
If the scope is discovered to be immense and to extend to a variety of activities, it may be desirable to break the engagement into a series of smaller problem areas
While in most problem situations the location can be easily determined, in some extreme situations the location may require laborious retracings of tangled paths
scope of the problem
It might also point to the need for repackaging the consulting engagement.
desired outcome
generally the objective of the problem-solving process and should be permanently expressed in the problem definition statement in terms of clear-cut expectations or benefits
It may be expressed quantitatively with designated time horizon
To improve deliveries of goods so that by the end of the year, 99.5% of all deliveries are made on time
Human-related elements to be identified and assessed in the statement of the problem
Attitude of involved managers and employees
Personal traits of involved managers and employees including intelligence, motivation, leadership, quality, dependability, trustworthiness and interpersonal skills
An assessment of the prevailing political climate should be included as well as an assessment of the priorities that have been established by the policy-makers
Elements that comprise a support system should be identified in the problem statement together with an analysis of their functional or dysfunctional effects upon the problem
What the problem statement should reveal about the tracking system
How the problem was brought to light
Whether the problem was detected by a tracking system so designed for the purpose, or by another means (if not detected by the tracking system so designed for the purpose, why the tracking system failed)
Whether tracking systems other than the one designed for the purpose should have detected the problem
Whether tracking systems are available to monitor the situation reliably, as well as to measure the degree of improvement in the process or system due to an implemented solution
May be informal in nature, with the management tasks being assigned quickly and with little written evidence
May be quite formal, involving a chainofcommand and such written evidence as elaborate charts and graphs
The degree of informality or formality in the institutionalprocess may extend outside the organization structure to encompass customers, lenders, suppliers, and consultants
Input/Output analysis does not include anything concerning the process (ie, how the input is converted to output), the data requirements, the information flows, or the related decisions