cognitive impairments: problems with short and long-term memory, slowed thinking, decreased attention span, altered reading and writing abilities, difficulties with planning, sequencing and judgement
Emotional/behavioural impairments: decreased control over emotions, depression, anxiety, agitation, decreased social awareness, decreased ability to relate to people
confusion- A and O x3?, what is their baseline
delirium: lack of awareness, altered perception of environment
obtunded: slowed response, sleepy, like lethargy
stupor: excessively deep state of unresponsiveness
coma- completely unresponsive
nursing physical examination:
vital signs
increased ICP
inspection.of head and neck
cranial nerve function
motor and sensory function
Glasgow coma scale- eye opening, verbal response, motor response
neurological assessment: pupils, eyes open, motor response, stimulus response
hand grip
muscle tone
eye movement
assessing LOC: Responsiveness to environment or stimuli
assessing LOC: pupil size and reactivity
assessing LOC: movement go extremities
assessing LOC: ability to maintain an airway
assessing LOC: changes in vitals, breathing patterns
s/s of increased ICP: headache, n/v, increased blood pressure, decreased mental abilities, poor orientation, double vision, pupils not responding to light changes, shallow breathing, seizure, loss of consciousness, coma
ICP caused by increased cerebral spinal fluid, tumour, infection