Cards (11)

  • Nationwide drug abuse is a growing controversy. President Rodrigo Duterte has claimed that the country could become a "Narco-State". As of 2016, the United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime report that 1.1 percent of Filipinos aged 10 to 69 use drugs.
  • Effective drug education
    Important because young people are faced with many influences to use both licit and illicit drugs. Education can play a counterbalancing role in shaping a normative culture of safety, moderation, and informed decision making. Drug education programs aim to inform people about the risks of alcohol and other drug use and give them practical skills to make decisions that minimize harm.
  • Drugs
    Substance or chemicals used in medicine either externally or internally for curing, alleviating (relieving), or preventing a disease or deficiency
  • Alcoholism
    A disease or disorder of behavior characterized by repeated drinking of alcoholic beverages.
  • Marijuana
    • An herbaceous annual plant that grows wild in temperate climate in many parts of the world. It makes heart beat faster, feel dizzy or sick, can cause throat irritations, increase heart rate, reddening of the eyes and increased appetite.
  • Depressants
    • Drugs that act on the nervous system, promoting relaxation and sleep. They can slightly decrease in breathing, relief anxiety and excitement and have the tendency to reduce mental and physical activity.
  • Hallucinogens
    • Drugs that are capable of producing mood changes frequently of a bizarre character, disturbance of sensation, thought, emotion and self-awareness, alteration of time and space perception both illusions and delusions. They can also increase heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature, dilated pupils, flushed face, paranoid delusions, hallucinations, profound depressions, complete loss of emotional control and tension and anxiety.
  • Inhalants
    • Commonly referred to as glue-sniffing substance such as fast drying glue or cement, paints, lacquers, thinners, gasoline, kerosene, lighter fluid and more. They can create initial excitement resulting from release of inhibitions, irritations of the respiratory passages, unsteadiness and drunkenness with growing depression that deepens even to unconsciousness.
  • Narcotics
    • Analgesic or pain-killing drugs producing a relaxed dreamlike state and may induce sleep. Regular use of any narcotics may cause withdrawal syndrome.
  • Types of Narcotics
    • Opium
    • Morphine
    • Heroin
  • Opium
    • Made from unripe pods of poppies. It brings on dreamy stupor or unconsciousness that lasts for several hours.