Memory - Cognitive interview

    Cards (9)

    • Cognitive Interview
      A police interview technique that aims to improve the quantity and accuracy of information recalled by witnesses
    • Cognitive Interview
      • Studied by Geiselman et al
      • Involves context reinstatement, report everything, recall from changed perspective, recall in reverse order
    • Cognitive Interview steps
      1. Mentally recall the context, time, weather, who they're with or even their feelings
      2. Recall every detail they remember, even trivial ones
      3. Consider from someone else's point of view
      4. Recall in reverse chronological order
    • Geiselman studied the effectiveness of the cognitive interview

    • Geiselman study method
      Students watched a simulated crime video, then were interviewed either using the standard police interview or the cognitive interview two days later
    • The cognitive interview students recalled significantly more correct information on average compared to the standard interview
    • The cognitive interview did not lead to an increase in the average number of incorrect details recalled
    • The cognitive interview improved the quantity of recalled information, but does not necessarily improve the accuracy
    • The cognitive interview requires special training, but police often only use rudimentary training
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