Releases histamine; metabolized to laudanosine (provoke seizures)
Non-depolarizing (Competitive antagonists)
At lower doses: Competitively block Ach at the nicotinic receptors, Prevent depolarization of the muscle cell membrane and inhibit muscular contraction
At higher doses: Block the ion channels of the motor endplate, Muscle weakness
Non-depolarizing (Competitive antagonists)
Effect can be reversed by Neostigmine and Edrophonium
Manner of paralysis of non-depolarizing (Competitive antagonists)
1. Small, rapidly contracting muscles of the face, eye (most susceptible)
2. Fingers
3. Limbs
4. Neck
5. Trunk muscles
6. Intercostal muscles
7. Diaphragm
Non-depolarizing (Competitive antagonists)
Injected IV (occasionally IM)
Possess two or more quaternary amine in their ring structure (not effective orally)
Penetrate membranes very poorly
Do not enter Blood Brain Barrier
Cholinesterase inhibitors
Overcome the action of nondepolarizing neuromuscular blockers
Halogenated hydrocarbon anesthetics (Desflurane)
Enhance neuromuscular blockade by exerting a stabilizing action at the NMJ
Inhibit Ach release from cholinergic nerves by competing with calcium ions