Has at least two factors (IVs), each with at least two levels
Two IVs can be examined simultaneously
Advantages of Factorial Design
More economical in terms of participants
Allows us to examine the interaction of independent variables (assess generalisability)
Interactions in Factorial Designs
One IV interacts with another when the effects of one are different depending on the level of the other
And when it changes (moderates or qualifies) the impact of a second IV on the DV
Dispersion or spread of scores around a point of central tendency, e.g. mean
Error Variance: cannot be explained; should go up with more observations
Treatment Variance: systematic differences due to our IV
Three Questions of Two-Way ANOVA
Variance due to factor A? (df a-1)
Variance due to factor B? (df b-1)
Variance due to AxB interaction? (df(a-1)(b-1))
Structural Model of 2-way ANOVA
Variance and Significance
The more variability attributable to the effects, the more significant they are
Assumptions of ANOVA
Population: normally distributed (normality) and have the same variance (homogeneity of variance)
Samples: Independent; obtained by random sampling; at least two observations and equal n
Data (DV Scores): measured on continuous scale for mathematical operations (mean, SD, variance)
Effect Sizes
Been proposed as an accompaniment, if not replacement, for significance testing, as it relays implications of findings (ANOVA is binary)
Offers another way of assessing reliability of results in terms of variance
Can compare size of effects within a factorial design: Cohen's d (0.2, 0.5, 0.8)
Eta-Squared (n)
Describes the proportion of variance in the SAMPLE'S DV scores that is accounted for by the effect
Considered biased
Omega Squared (w)
Describes the proportion of variance in the POPULATION'S DV scores that is accounted for by the effect
Less biased
Larger difference between n and w with smaller sample
Partial Eta-Squared
Proportion of residual variance accounted for by the effect (variance left over to be explained)
Usually more inflated
Can add up to >100%
Hard to make meaningful comparisons
Following-Up Main Effects
Use linear contrasts (protected t test) to determine if a set of groups is different from another set using weights (aj)
Following-Up Interactions
Test of simple effects: simple effects test the effects of one factor at each level of the other factor
Variance Partitioning of Omnibus Tests
Variance partitioned into four parts: Effect due to first factor, Effect due to second factor, Effect due to interaction, Error/Residual/Within-group variance
Partitioning of Simple Effects
Simple effects re-partition the main effect and interaction variance
The simple effects of factor 2 should be equal to the combination of the main effect and the interaction
Simple Comparisons
1. Follow up simple effects of interactions, comparing cell means rather than marginal
2. Somewhat redundant, explaining the same thing more than once
3. Increases family-wise error rate (use Bonferroni or conduct test a priori to avoid)
Higher-Order Factorial Designs
More than two independent factors
Allow for designs with higher external validity
Effects in HO Designs
Main Effects: Differences between marginal means of one factor averaging over levels of another
Two-Way Interactions: The effect of one factor changes depending on the level of another
Three-Way Interactions: The two-way interaction between two factors changes depending on the level of a third
Partitioning the Variance in Three-Way ANOVA (2x2x2)
7 Omnibus tests: Main effects, 2-Way interactions, Error/residual, 3-way interaction
Larger partitions represent that the marginal means for that factor are very different from each other
Structural Models in Factorial ANOVA
Following-Up Significant Omnibus Effects in a 3-Way ANOVA
Interaction followed by simple effects, if significant and more than 2 levels, simple simple effects (effect of factor A at each level of factor B, at each level of factor C ), and simple simple comparisons if still significant
Type 1 and 2 Errors
Type 1: Finding a significant difference in the sample that actually doesn't exist (a)
Type 2: Finding no significant difference in the sample when one does actually exist (B)
The probability of correctly rejecting the null hypothesis (=1-B)
Factors that affect power
MESS or SALE: Mean differences, Error Variance, Significance Level, Sample Size
Reducing Power
Improve operationalisation of variables (increases validity)
Improve measurement of variables (increases internal validity)
Improve design of your study (account for variance from other sources, e.g. blocking designs)
Improve methods of analysis (control for variance from other sources)
Blocking Designs
Introducing a variable into the design to reflect additional sources of variation or pre-existing differences on DV score
Variable is control or concomitant, associated with the DV, but the relationship is neither novel nor interesting
Generally match participants to blocking variable through stratified random assignment
Shouldn't interact with focal IV (often confound if it does)
Experimental vs Correlational Research
Experimental: Determine causation through manipulation of IVs in controlling setting, assessing effect on DV
Correlational: Measures IVs (predictors) and assesses level of association with outcome/DV (criterion)
Average cross-product of the deviation scores
Positive value = positive relationship
When one variable is above/below the mean, the other is likely to be the same
Limitations: Covariance is scale-dependent
Standardised covariance
Expresses the relationship between two variables in terms of standard deviations
Pearson's r, always -1 to +1
Interpreting Pearson's r in terms of variance
r2 = the coefficient of determination, the proportion of explained variance
1 - r2 = error or residual variance in data
Testing r for Significance
1. Is r large enough to conclude that there is a non-zero correlation in the population?
2. t = systematic variance divided by error variance
3. df = N-2
r as a population estimate = radj
r is a sample statistic and is biased to the sample (like eta-squared)
Can calculate rho (p), the population correlation coefficient - rho is estimated by the "adjusted r" (like omega squared)
radj is always smaller than r (more conservative)
The difference between r and radj becomes smaller as sample size increases
Correlation and Predictions
= REGRESSION, estimating a score on one variable (Y, criterion) on the basis of scores on another variable (X, predictor)
Correlational designs infer causality based on theory
Objective is to find the best fitting line
Bivariate Regression Equation
Yhat = bX + a
Yhat = predicted value of Y (DV)
b = slope of regression line (change in Y with 1-unit change in X)
X = value of predictor (IV)
a = intercept (value of Y when X = 0)
Standardising the Regression Slope
b would become a standardised regression coefficient (beta, B)
B = Z-score change in Y predicted from a 1 SD increase in X
Error in Regression
If a score is different from the average, it is error (lenient)
If a score is different from the predicted value (regression line) it is error (conservative)
Average deviation of scores from the regression line
Standard Error of the Estimate
Sy.x reflects the amount of variability around the regression slope (Yhat, variable conditional on X)
Can be calculated as SSerror over df, or SD of DV times sqroot of 1 - error variance in data
If r2 is zero, there is no error variance, and there is no association between the IV and the DV (standard error estimate is equal to SD of DV)
But should be much smaller than SD of DV
The regression line is fitted according to the least squares criteria: Such that E(Y - Yhat)2 is a minimum, i.e. such that errors of prediction are a minimum
What SEE tells us
Bigger rxy leads to smaller Sy.x
A high correlation between X and Y reduces the SEE and enhances the accuracy of the prediction
R2 is overly liberal with small samples, and so Sy.x is underestimated for small samples
Significance of the Regression Slope
1. b and B, like r, can be tested for significance using a t-test
2. t = (b)(sx)(Sqrt N-1)/Sy.x
3. H0 is that b = 0 (no change in Y when X increases 1 unit)