history:monarchy and democracy in britan c.1000 to 2014

Cards (6)

  • Anglo Saxon England
    1. king was chosen by witan most important men in the country
    2. Earl of wessex was biggest land owner in England and often made king
    3. English people saw king as their defender his job to raise armies and produce laws to help him govern the country
    4. relationship between nobles and churchmen were key in ensuring successful running of Anglo Saxon England
  • Anglo Saxon system of government
    1. king would give land and influence to important nobles and churchmen and in return they would give him loyalty and troops for an army and govern shires for king
    2. by 1000 Anglo Saxon England had efficient administration and trade was prosperous
    3. England was divided into shires, shires were subdivided into hundreds and when the king needed an army they would be their
    4. thegns(lesser nobles) carried administration for king(might act as bailiffs estate mangers and tax collectors)
    5. by 1000 Anglo Saxon England was famous for coinage
  • Vikings and the war with Anglo-Saxons
    1. Vikings would often attack Anglo Saxon England often
    2. Anglo Saxons tried to defend their county by paying danegeld(payment to prevent raids) this was often advised by witan
    3. Alfred great brang stability to England Vikings settled north this became known as Danelaw
    4. by 980 Vikings began to raid the coasts of England again
  • troubles at the end of Aethelreds reign
    1. Aethlred found it difficult to maintain good relationships with some of his subjects
    2. local lords believed that aethlred could not protect England from Viking raids
    3. witan advised Aethlred to pay danegeld to Viking but they kept coming back with hope of being paid off again
    4. in 1002 Aethelred gave an order that all danes lliving in England should be killed this was very unpopular with nobles who ruled over Danish people and many refused
    5. king of Denmark Sweyn forkbeard led a full scale invasion of England and Aethlred went into exile
  • England changed under Cnut and Edward
    1. Sweyn forkbeard died in 1014 English nobles asked Aethlred to return to throne
    2. Aethlred died in 1016 and by October 1016 Sweyn forkbeards son Cnut had conquered England
    3. Cnut executed 7 Anglo Saxon nobles and gave their land to his loyal followers but most Anglo Saxons were allowed to keep their land
    4. Cnut divided England into 4 earldoms: Northumbria, East Anglia, Mercia and Wessex
  • How England changed under Edward
    1. throughout Edwards reign Godwin earl of Wessex caused problems
    2. in 1051 Godwin went into exile with his sons for trying to overthrow Edward
    3. Godwin returned to England in 1052 and was successful Edwards was forced to go back down and Godwin became the ruler of England
    4. after Godwin died his son Harold Godwinson took over Wessex
    5. Edward the confessor died without an heir although witan chose Harold Godwinson their were other claimants to the throne