communiable (infectious) diseases

Cards (15)

  • What are pathogens?
    Microorganisms that enter the body and cause disease
  • What are bacteria?
    Very small living cells which can reproduce rapidly inside your body
  • How do bacteria make you feel sick?
    They produce toxins that damage your cells and tissue
  • What are viruses
    They are much smaller than cells and 1/100 of a bacterium
  • How do viruses make you feel ill
    They replicate themselves using cell's machinery. So many are produced eventually bursting the cell which causes cell damage.
  • What are protists?

    They are single celled eukaryotes. Some are parasites which live on or in the host and cause damage
  • Explain fungi
    Single celled and penetrate things, causing disease
  • Name 3 ways pathogens can spread
    Water, air and direct contact
  • Name 4 ways the spread of disease can be reduced or prevented
    Being hygienic - washing hands etc.
    Destroying vectors
    Isolating infected individuals
  • What is a communicable disease?
    Any disease that is infectious.
  • What are communicable diseases caused by?
    Viruses, bacteria, protists and fungi all cause infections in animals and plants, and these infections can be spread from one individual to another.
  • What is a pathogen?
    Any virus, bacteria, protist or fungus that causes an infectious disease. They are all microorganisms.
  • Do all microorganisms cause infectious disease?
    No, many microorganisms are not pathogens. Some bacteria are useful, for making cheese and yoghurt. We eat some fungi, like mushrooms and Quorn.
  • How are pathogenic microorganisms spread?
    Spread of microorganisms can be by direct contact, by water or by air.
  • What do pathogenic bacteria do?
    Their cells reproduce rapidly inside the body, producing toxins that damage tissues and make us feel ill.