Glutamate (+): type I, asymmetric, axodendritic on spines. GABA and glycine (-): type II, symmetric, axodendritic, axosomatic, axoaxonic
Postsynaptic potentials
Acetylcholine binding to nicotinicreceptor produces Na+ influx, Glutamatebinding to NMDAreceptor produces Ca+2influx
Anatomy of synapses in the brain
Postsynaptic spines are small (0.5µm), highdensitypacking (109synapses, 4.1 km of axon, 500 m of dendrite per 1 mm3), dozens of neurotransmitters and neuropeptides, dozens of receptor subtypes
Chemical signals and knee-jerk reflex
Flexor and extensormuscles, monosynapticcircuitmotif, sensory/motorsignaling: integration for behavior, glutamate from 1a sensory neuron released on alphamotorneuron & activatesGABA in inhibitoryinterneuron
EPSPs and knee-jerk reflex: extensor motor neuron
Stimulating all 1a sensory fibers creates a largerEPSP that leads to an action potential in extensor motor neuron
IPSPs and knee-jerk reflex: flexor motor neuron
Population of IPSPs create greaterhyperpolarization
Interaction of postsynaptic potentials
EPSP from artificially passing current in motor neuron drives a spike, IPSP from interneuron in the motor neuron moves Vm away from the threshold, co-occurrence of EPSP and IPSP fails to reach threshold
Interaction of postsynaptic currents & potentials
Postsynaptic currents show how Cl- moves across membrane, depending on Vm. Effect of GABA depends on Vm.
CNS signaling is confined to digital action potentials and their firing patterns
Passive cable properties dictate EPSP and IPSP spread
PSP summate together to reach threshold in trigger zone for action potential generation
Dendrites have an under-appreciated and complex role in neuronal processing
Interaction of postsynaptic currents & potentials
Describes how postsynaptic currents and potentials are related
Voltage clamp experiment
Experimental technique to measure postsynaptic currents
Effect of the presynaptic IN depends on
Vm in the motor neuron
PSP is (-) or (+)
Postsynaptic currents show how Cl-
Moves across membrane, depending on Vm
Outward (+) current = influx of Cl-
Inward (-) current = efflux of Cl-
Reversal potential for the IPSP
Identical to ECl
Effect of GABA
Depends on Vm
Primer on synaptic signaling
Active dendritic processing
Axon-centric view of neuron
CNS signaling is confined to digital action potentials and their firing patterns
Passive cable properties dictate EPSP and IPSP spread
PSP summate together to reach threshold in trigger zone for action potential generation
These are good initial descriptions, but there is a lot of processing happening before an action potential is generated
Importance of dendrites
Dendrites have an under-appreciated and complex role in neuronal processing
Half truths about dendrites
Postsynaptic potentials conduct passively toward the axon hillock
EPSPs and IPSPs sum algebraically (i.e. linearly) within dendritic tree
The length and time constants of a dendrite are constant
Neural computation in circuits is mainly reflected in suprathreshold firing of action potentials
Leaky, non-myelinatedconductors
Lowmembraneresistance and longdistance to soma
Dendritic regions
Apical Dendrites
Basal Dendrites
Local EPSP amplitude at the synapse
EPSP amplitude at the soma is lower due to distance-dependent decline