Cost of raising an average child (0-17) in Canada is around $213,000, a great deal of wealth flows from parent/s to child. Poorer children in "developing" countries cost around $16,500 to raise, so more children = economic security.
We are likely over capacity as far as pollution and resource depletion is concerned already, but this is more a result of over-consumption and how/what we produce and consume than over-population
Population growth may not be as big a problem as consumption, the best way to curb population growth may be by promoting community development, urbanization, self-reliance
Solving the global climate crisis will require reason (understanding of the problem and its impacts), empathy (a felt responsibility to future generations and people far away who feel the impacts disproportionately), and fair play (working toward global equality, reducing environmental footprints of the wealthy while requiring rich nations to help fund poor nations to develop their economies in sustainable ways)
Recent studies say we are in big trouble, with food production per capita already decreasing and greenhouse gasses we have already emitted committing us to significant further warming
Working toward global equality, reducing environmental footprints of the wealthy while requiring rich nations to help fund poor nations to develop their economies in sustainable ways