freqyuency table - is a table that list items and shows the number of times the items occur.
grouped data - is the type of data which is classified into groups after collection.
ungrouped data - which is also known as raw data that has not been placed in any group or category after collection .
piechart/pie graph - a circular graph that used slices or sectors to represent the whole data. the whole circle represents 100% of the data and each slices or sector is the proportion of the category it represents.
bar graph - A graph used to represent an organized set of information by using horizontal or vertical bars.
observation - this technique includes, watching and recording actions and behaviors.
interviews - it is performed through peronally asking questions to people who have the authority or expertise to say something about the data needed.
In-Person Interview - in this interview you are going to ask a questions face to face with your interviewee.
Telephone Interview - uses instruments like cellphone or telephone you may contact your interviewee and ask them a questions thru call.
online interview - you can collect data with the use of different applications in the internet.
Questionnaire - it is the most practical way to use. you gather data through writing . indirect method of collecting data.
survey questionnaires - using written questions to be answered by the respondents.
Mailed questinnaires - data where you mailed your questions to the postal address of your respondents.