working memory model

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Cards (24)

  • Working Memory Model components
    Central Executive
    Visuo-spatial sketchpad
    Episodic buffer
    Phonological loop
    Long term memory
  • clinical evidence
    P: strength - clinical evidence
    E: KF's immediate recall of letters he read better than when letters were read to him
    E: so his phonological loop was damaged but his visuospatial sketchpad was intact
    L: therefore evidence to support existence of different stores
  • counterpoint
    P: limitation - other cognitive impairments
    E: KF's injury was caused by a motorcycle accident
    E: so trauma from the accident may have affected his cognitive ability
    L: therefore clinical evidence challenged
  • dual-task performance
    P: strength - evidence for visuospatial sketchpad
    E: When ppts asked to perform visual and verbal tasks, performance is similar to if tasks performed differently
    E: However when two verbal or visual tasks are performed together, performance declined
    L: therefore separate visuospatial sketchpad
  • nature of central executive
    P: limitation - lack of clarity over nature of CE
    E: CE most important but least understood component of WMM
    E: CE needs to be more clearly specified than just attention
    L: therefore CE challenged the integrity of WMM