Issues in Diagnosis + Classification

    Cards (6)

    • Good Reliability - Strength
      - inter-rater reliability -same diagnosis for an individual
      - test-retest - same diagnosis on two occasions
      - Osorio et al - excellent reliability for the diagnosis with DSM-5
      - inter-rater reliability - +9.7, test-retest - +9.2
      - consistent
    • Low Validity - Weakness
      - assess what we are trying to assess?
      - low criterion validity
      - Cheniaux et al - two psychiatrists, assess 100 clients with DSM-4 and ICD-10
      -68 diagnosed with SZ under ICD
      - 39 under DSM
    • Co-Morbidity - Limitation
      - co-morbidity with other conditions
      - if they occur together, questions the validity of their diagnosis
      - may be 1 single condition
      - Buckley et al - 1/2 with SZ had depression or substance abuse
      - problem for classification
      - SZ may not be a distinct condition
    • Gender Bias In Diagnosis - Limitation
      - 1980's - men diagnosed more commonly
      - Fischer and Buchanan - ratio of 1.4:1
      - women are under diagnosed
      - Cotton et al - closer relationships = support = functioning better
      - women may not receive treatments and benefits
    • Culture Bias In Diagnosis - Limitation
      - symptoms have different meaning in different cultures (hearing voices)
      - Haiti, voices = ancestors
      - Pinto and Jones - Afro-Carribean Brits, 9x more likely to get diagnosed than white people
      - culture bias by psychiatrists from a different culture
      - Escobar - over interpretation of symptoms in Black Brits
      - discrimination
    • Symptom Overlap - Limitation
      - overlap with conditions like bipolar
      - classification - SZ and bipolar may be one condition
      - classification and diagnosis are flawed
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