Biological males that have an additional X chromosome
Physical characteristics of Klinefelter syndrome:
possible breast development
Softening and rounding body contours
underdeveloped genitals
problem with co-ordination
Psychological characteristics of Klinefelter's syndrome:
poor language skills and reading ability
passive, shy and lack sexual activity
memory and problem solving
What is Turner's syndrome?
biological females that have an absence of one of the two allotted X chromosomes - XO
Physical characteristics of Turner's syndrome:
No menstrual cycle as their ovaries fail to develop
Do not develop breasts and instead have a broad 'shield chest'
low set ears and webbed neck
hips are not that much bigger than the waist
physically immature
Psychological characteristics of Turner's syndrome:
higher than average reading ability
struggles with spacial, visual and mathematical tasks
socially immature and have trouble fitting in
A beneficial contribution to the nature-nurture debate:
By comparing people who have these conditions with chromosome-typical individuals it becomes possible to see psychological and behavioural differences between the two groups
might be inferred that these differences have a biological basis and are a direct result of abnormal chromosomal structure
suggesting that innate influences have a powerful effect on psychological behaviour
Ignoring environmental explanations:
the differences in behaviour seen in these individuals are not causal.
it may be that environmental and social influences are more responsible for the behavioural differences
socially immaturity observed in females with Turner's syndrome may arise from the fact they are treated immaturely
practical application:
continued research into atypical sex chromosome patterns is likely to lead to earlier and more accurate diagnosis.
those who are identified and treated from a very young age had significant benefits compared to those who had been diagnosed in adulthood
increased awareness of these conditions may have practical application