investigate if a reflexive behaviour can be produced in new situations through learning and associating a rexlex with a NS
presentation of precise stimuli would evoke salivation response (dogs salivate when they see the food)
procedure of preparing dog?
used 35 dogs with variety of breeds raised in Kennels in Lab.
dog placed in sealed room that dog cannot see smell or hear anything outside. also strapped to harness to stop moving and mouth linked to tube that drains saliva
procedure after preparing dog?
before conditioning:
UCS (food) -> UCR (salivate)
before conditioning:
NS (sound) -> NS (no salivation)
during conditioning:
after conditioning:
CS (sound) -> CR (salivation)
after repeated pairings dog had learned to associate sound with food.
example for above, using metronome salivation started 9 seconds after hearing sound and by 45 seconds produced 11 drops.
secondary conditioning was possible due to seeing other results, dog salivated to sound of buzzer
not all dogs were same
environmental stimuli that had no relation to reflex action (automatic and involuntary) can trigger a response through repeated pairings
brain learns to perceive new sounds as signal that connects to meat
applications, animals apply reflexes to new situations based on experiences before so new neural pathways formed in brain.