aspects of classical conditioning

Cards (5)

  • what other 3 aspects are part of conditioning?
    • extinction- condition disappears
    • spontaneous recovery- could reappear after condition disappears
    • stimulus generalisation- evoke similar response after response is conditioned
  • extinction?
    association can simply disappear between CS and CR when paired stimulus is separated
    • eg is Pavlov was to stop ringing bell when food was presented the association will be extinguished
  • spontaneous recovery?
    after extinction association can recur for no reason. CS suddenly produces a response
    • eg traumatic experience at shopping centre but you go to another and nothing happens, extinction occurs. Unlearning will happen and fear is diminished but it may spontaneously occur again.
  • stimulus generalisation?
    CS produces same behaviour in a similar situation
    • fear of dogs may generalise to toy dogs
  • psychology as a science?
    Pavlov uses experimental conditions with quantitative data :).
    reductionist, behaviour is oversimplified to stimulus response links and overlooks complexity of behaviours