world 2

Cards (91)

  • Arab Revolt (1916-1918)

    The British through T.E. Lawrence supported the Arabs for their revolt against the Ottoman empire who supported the Central Powers during WWI
  • Pan-Africanism
    The people in Kenya and Libya asked for reforms and independence from the colonizers
  • India
    Mohandas Gandhi led the Independence Movement
  • Causes of the above movements were Nationalism
  • Japan
    The masses protested against the zaibatsu (large corporations) and shifted to traditional Japanese ideals
  • China
    Sun Yat Sen led the revolution against the imperial government through Kuomintan Party, later on, established the Chinese Republic
  • Great Depression (1929-1930)

    Caused high unemployment, worsening inflation, unfair labor practices
  • Communism
    Growing in Russia with the rule of Lenin
  • Totalitarianism
    A form of government that uses absolute control of the state
  • Causes of the above were Waning Democracy
  • Italy
    King Victor Emmanuel relegated power to Benito Mussolini as a Prime Minister who introduced Fascism
  • Fascism
    A system of hypernationalistic government where a dictator absolutely controls the lives of the citizens
  • Fascism increased the Militarism in Italy
  • Russia
    Lenin died in 1924, Politburo (the decision making body of the communist party) encountered a power struggle after the death of Lenin, Joseph Stalin became a dictator, Five-Year Plan (the project of Stalin of transforming USSR into an economic powerhouse that eliminated the private sectors in land ownership) led to famine and harsh conditions in Soviet
  • Germany
    Adolf Hitler (a soldier during World War I) led the Nazi Party (National Socialist German Worker's Party, the strongest political party in Germany campaigning against communism and democracy), Mein Kampf (the book of Hitler where he outlined his ideals of his form of government based on Social Darwinism), Enabling Act 1930 (the temporary constitution for 4 years of Germany due to the suspension of the Weimar Constitution, this gave power to Hitler), Concentration Camps (specialized prisons for those who oppose the rule of Hitler, Jews and other undesired individuals were sent here)
  • Social Darwinism
    A theory that emphasize that powerful nations and races have the right to conquer the 'less civilized' nations
  • The Axis Powers

    Composed of Germany, Italy, and Japan
  • Germany
    1933- Hitler withdrew from the League of Nations and planned to conquer the Soviet Union to build the Third Reich, 1935-Hitler started to militarize Germany through an air-force act violating the Treaty of Versailles, 1936- Hitler sent troops to Rhineland, a demilitarized zone
  • First Reich
    Holy Roman Empire
  • Second Reich
    German Empire
  • Third Reich
    Nazi Party
  • Causes of the above were Alliances
  • Italy
    1935- Mussolini invaded Ethiopia and welcomed the support of Hitler, Rome-Berlin Axis (a new alliance of Italy and Germany that gave rise to a new dictator, Francisco Franco, who was leading the Spanish Civil War)
  • Japan
    Invaded Manchuria (a region of China) renaming it Manchukuo, 1937- Japan declared war against China, New Asian Order (a belief that Asian modernization lies at the hands of a modernized Asian nation)
  • Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere
    An empire that Japan wanted to establish in Asia, the Philippines was one of the subjects of this plan
  • Anti-Comintern Pact (1936)

    A pact signed by Japan and Germany to limit the rise of communism
  • Tripartite Pact (1940)

    Signed by Germany, Italy, and Japan paved the way for the establishment of the Axis Powers
  • Anschluss (1938)

    The campaign to unite all German territories, March 1938- Germany successfully annexed Austria
  • Munich Conference
    A meeting with British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain, Eduard Daladier (French), Mussolini, and Hitler to make concessions
  • Causes of the above were War-Beginning
  • March 1939
    Lithuania, Albania, and Czechoslovakia were invaded by Germany and Italy
  • Fuhrer (Great Leader)

    A name given to Hitler and declared himself as the most powerful German
  • Nazi-Soviet Non-aggression Pact
    A negotiation between Stalin and Hitler
  • September 1, 1939
    German forces invaded Poland
  • September 3, 1939
    France and Great Britain officially declared war against Germany, it followed a series of war declaration by the British commonwealth in Asia and Africa
  • Blitzkrieg (lightning War)

    A war tactic by the Nazis defined by its quick with deadly precision using airplanes and panzer tanks
  • September 17
    Soviets invaded the East of Poland under the Nazi-Soviet Pact
  • Causes of the above were The War
  • Maginot Line
    The boundary of Germany and France in the Southern part of Belgium where French-British defense was strong, Germany surprisingly bypassed French troops and attacked through Belgium
  • Dunkirk
    Located on the northernmost France near the English Channel, the shortest passage going to Great Britain, the British Expeditionary Force (BEF) was trapped along Dunkirk, 338,000 troops were able to survive through the British Royal Navy