A phenomenon in adult female mammals recurring at regular intervals and similar sequence accompanying changes in the reproductive tract from one period to the next
Estrous Cycle
Excludes human beings
Starts after puberty in females
Interrupted by anestrous phases of pregnancies
Involves periodic regression of follicles and activity associated with instinct of sexual receptivity known as estrus
Menstrual Cycle
The succession of endometrial changes observable in female humans and some primates, that recur regularly during the reproductive years
The physiologic shedding of the uterine endometrium accompanied by uterine bleeding that occurs at approximately monthly intervals from menarche to menopause
Menstrual Cycle
1. Begins at the end of luteal phase and prior to the follicular phase
2. Removes the stratum functionale, i.e. the stratum compactum and part of stratum spongiosum, which build up during proliferative Phase, so that there can be a new sloughable layer in the next cycle
Ovarian Cycle
The sequence of physiologic changes in the ovary, including development and rupture of the follicle, discharge of the ovum as well as corpus luteum formation and regression
Ovarian Cycle
1. Follicular or proliferative phase (overlapped by desquamative phase)
2. Ovulatory phase
3. Luteal phase or progestational phase
Ovarian Cycle in non-pregnant females
Accompanied by periodic sloughing of uterine lining and consequent bleeding called menstrual cycle
Corpus luteum of pregnancy (high progesterone condition) inhibits the progression of any cycle
These cycles exist only in non-pregnant females
Categories of Estrous Cycle
Polyestrous (more than one per year)
Monoestrous (one estrous cycle per year)
Types of Polyestrous Cycle
Non-seasonal (cycles all year round)
Seasonal (cycles at only certain times of the season)
Estrous (ovulation)
Period of ovulation
Immediately after estrous when females are no longer receptive to male
Early diestrus
Corpus luteum is formed, and progesterone secretion increases
Late diestrus
Corpus luteum is being destroyed, progesterone secretion drops
Estrogen level is high, stimulates high LH
If pregnancy ensues, estrous cycle ceases and a period of anestrous follows until parturition or termination of the pregnancy
Proestrous Phase
1. One or several follicles start to grow
2. Lining of the endometrium starts to develop
3. Some animals may have bloody vaginal discharge (not menses)
4. Females are not sexually receptive in this phase
Estrus Phase
Female is sexually receptive with GnRH, ovarian follicles develop and are maturing and estrogen secretions exert their biggest influence
Sexually receptive behaviour is one of the observable features of estrus, such as the lordosis reflex and reddened labia
Types of Ovulators
Spontaneous ovulators (human beings)
Induced ovulators (felines, camels)
For monogamy, the loss of estrous serves to promote sexual receptivity and helps to maintain monogamous pair bonds by encouraging repeated sexual contact
Human beings are one of very few species with menstrual cycle without the display of estrous behaviour
In Estrous Cycle
The endometrium is resorbed if conception does not occur during the cycle
In Menstrual Cycle
Endometrial shedding occurs
In Estrous Cycle
Females are generally only sexually active during the heat period
In Menstrual Cycle
Females can be sexually active at any time in their cycle
Human beings have concealed ovulation (no obvious external sign to receptivity at ovulation)