hydro-meteorological hazards

Cards (32)

  • hydro meteorological - process or phenomenon of atmospheric, hydrological or oceanographic nature that may cause loss of life, injury or other health impacts, property damage, loss of livelihoods and services, social and economic disruption, or environmental damage
  • tropical cyclone - also called typhoon or hurricane, an intense circular storm that originates over warm tropical oceans and is characterized by low atmospheric pressure, high winds, and heavy rain
  • Philippine atmospheric geophysical and astronomical services administration - PAGASA
  • weather forecast - a scientific estimate of future weather condition in terms of the most significant variables.
  • Weather map - accuracy of forecast decision is based on this forecasting tool
  • weather map - displays the air pressure, wind, temperature, and humidity distribution trends at various atmospheric rates.
  • two forms of weather map
    1. surface map
    2. upper-air map
  • weather forecasting comprises of 5 steps as follow:
    1. observation
    2. collection and transmission of weather data
    3. plotting of weather data
    4. analysis of weather maps, satellite, and radar imageries and other data
    5. formulation of the forecast
  • Upper air charts - data plotted on this weather map are analyzed using streamline analysis
  • numerical weather prediction model output - computer-plotted weather maps are analyzed manually so that weather systems like cyclones and anticyclones are located
  • monitor weather charts - plotted cross-section data, rainfall charts and 24 hour pressure change charts are analyzed to determine wind wave movement, rainfall distribution and atmospheric pressure behavior
  • thunderstorm - powerful, short-lived weather disturbance, almost always associated with lightning, thunder, dense clouds, heavy rain or hail, and fast roaring winds
  • thunderstorm - occur when layers of dry, moist air rise to cooler region of the atmosphere in a broad, rapid updraft
  • flood - a high-water stage in which water overflows its natural or artificial banks onto normally dry land, such as a river inundating its floodplain.
  • storm surge - daluyong ng bagyo
  • storm surge - where the irregular sea-level rise during the tropical cyclone occurs.
  • el nino and la nina - warm and cool phases of a recurring climate pattern across the tropical pacific
  • la nina - a weather phenomenon characterized by unusually cold ocean temperature in the equatorial pacific which causes increased numbers of tropical storms in the pacific ocean
  • hazard maps - highlights areas that are affected and/or vulnerable to a particular hazard and help prevent serious damage and deaths
  • rainfall - most important climatic element in the Philippines
  • color code to visualize rain distribution across the country:
    1. red- heavy rain
    2. yellow- light to moderate rain
    3. white- clouds
    4. blue- clear sky
  • nationwide operational assessment of hazards or NOAH - a program under the DOST with the mission to undertake disaster science research and development, advance the use of cutting edge technology and recommend innovative information services in government's disaster prevention and mitigation efforts.
  • national mapping and resource information authority or NAMRIA - agency of the Philippine government under the DENR responsible for providing the public with mapmaking services and acting as the central mapping agency, depository, and distribution facility of natural resources data in the form of maps, charts, texts, and statistics
  • mines and geosciences bureau or MGB - a government agency also under DENR, is responsible for the conservation, management, development, and proper use of the country's mineral resources including those in reservations and lands of public domains
  • tools used for monitoring hydrometeorological hazards
    1. rain gauge
    2. doppler weather radars
  • for measuring temperature
    1. thermometer
    2. thermograph
  • for measuring atmospheric pressure
    1. mercurial barometer
    2. aneroid barometer
    3. barograph
  • for measuring atmospheric relative humidity
    1. sling psychometer
    2. hygrometer
  • for measuring precipitation
    1. 8-inch rain gauge
    2. tipping bucket rain gauge
  • for monitoring clouds:
    1. ceiling light projector
    2. meteorological ceiling balloon
  • special instruments
    1. pilot balloon/ theodolite
    2. radiosonde
    3. rawindsonde
    4. wind finding radar
    5. wind surveillance radar
  • surface (MSL) chart - where data plotted on this weather map are analyzed isobarically