
Cards (7)

  • Product life cycle: The stages a product goes through from conception to discontinuation.
  • development:
    when the product is being designed and tested before it’s launched.
    • no sales
    • market research - testing and generating ideas
  • Extending product life:
    1. differentiation
    2. reduce the price
    3. repositioning to a new market
    4. increasing promotion
  • Introduction:
    when the product is first put onto the market
    1. slow sales
    2. customers are reluctant to change from existing brands
  • Growth:
    when sales start to rise and product becomes popular
    1. rapidly rising sales
  • Maturity:
    established product where sales are high but growth slows
    1. sales stabilise
    2. less promotion - last many years
  • Decline:
    when product becomes old and out dated
    1. sales decline
    2. cut off all promotion