a communicable lung disease,, most peoples immune system fights off the TB- some have a defective immune system, so more likely to be effected from other diseases
extremely common and most cases- harmless
in some cases can cause cervical cancer
allergies are triggered by the....
immune system
define pathogen
microorganisms that cause infectious disease
how does bacteria make us ill?
once inside the body, bacteria reproduces very rapidly
can divide every 20 mins
bacteria can release harmful chemicals called toxins
what do toxins do
damage tissues
make us feel ill
viruses cannot...
reproduce by themselves, they need a host cell
whys it dangerous when a virus enters the host cell
it reproduces
therefore damaging the cell as..
when the virus leaves the cell, it can cause the cell to burst open and die.
name the 3 ways pathogens can be spread
in the air
directly in water
direct contact
name the 5 ways we can reduce the spread of pathogens
practicing hygiene(washing hands)
clean drinking water
protected sexual intercourse
isolation(highly dangerous diseases)
what is the symptom of measles
then skin rash
how is measles spread
through air, in droplets when an infected person coughs or sneezes
what are the stages of HIV
flu like illness
leaves after 2-3 weeks
at that point the virus is attacking the patients immune system
overtime immune system becomes severely damaged and cant fight off other infections
including cancer
highly damaged immune systems leads to patient being pone to disease, easily catching TB or even cancer
how can you treat a person infected with HIV
antiretroval drugs stop virus from multiplying- not a cure, lifelong prescription
How does HIV spread
unprotected sexual intercourse
when drug users share infected needles (blood)
the bacteria that causes salmonella food poisoning are spread by...
ingesting infected food
what cause the symptoms of salmonella
harmful toxins
gonorrhoea is a...
sexually transmitted disease (STD)
symptoms of gonorrhoea
thick yellow/green discharge
pain whilst urinating
treatment of gonorrhoea in the past.. problems now...
easily treated by penicillin
antibiotic resistant strains of bacteria are now common
gonorrhoea prevention
use condom during sex- stops transmitting
if not, get tested and take antibiotics to kill the bacteria before they pass it on to another person
malaria pathogen is an example of a...
life cycle of malaria
infected person is bitten by a mosquito
malaria pathogen now enters into mosquito, making it a vector
vector now bites a different person and passes the malaria pathogen to them
cycle repeats
what are the 2 main ways of stopping the spread off malaria
stop the vector from breeding- drain still water ponds where they usually breed
prevent mosquitos from biting humans- nets for sleeping, spray with insecticide
what is the job of the non specific defence system
prevent pathogens from entering the human body
4 main parts of the non-specific defence systems
describe the defence system skin
produces an oily sebum which can kill bacteria
skin scabs over open wounds to prevent pathogens to enter
describe the defence system nose
contains hair and mucus, traps pathogens before they enter
describe the defence system lungs
cilia covered in mucus that can trap pathogens
cilia wafts the mucus upwards towards the throat where it is swallowed into the stomach
describe the defence system stomach
hydrochloric acid inside stomach kills pathogens before they can enter their way further down the digestive system
describe the 2 main functions of the immune system
destroy pathogens and any toxins they produce
protects us in case the same pathogen invades again in the future
describe phagocytosis
white blood cell detects chemical released from pathogens
moves towards the pathogen
then ingests the pathogen
wbc uses enzymes to destroy the pathogens
antibodies are...
protine molecules produced by white blood cells
antibodies against pathogens..
wbc releases antibodies
antibodies stick to the pathogens
this triggers the pathogens to be destroyed
wbc produce antitoxins
sticks to toxin molecules
prevents them from damaging cells.
how do vaccines work?
dead or inactive forms of the pathogen is introduced into the body
because the pathogen isnt active, it wont harm patient
white blood cells produce antibodies against the pathogen
at the sme time, white blood cell is defended by mitosis to produce lots of copies of itself
thee copies stay in the blood for decades
now if pathogen enters body again, wbc can produce antibodies quickly, preventing infection.
herd immunity definition
very large number of people vaccinated against pathogens
if enough people are vaccinated, the un-vaccinated people are now also protected