Cosmological arguments

Cards (6)

  • The Kalam argument

    P1- whatever begins to exist has a cause of its beginning
    P2- the universe began to exist
    C1- therefore, the universe has a cause of its beginning
    P3- the must have to following attributes
    1. uncaused because an infinite series of causes is impossible
    2. outside of time and space because it caused all time and space
    3. hugely powerful because it created all matter and energy
    C2- therefore, God exists
  • Aquinas' 1st way- from motion
    P1- the universe contains motion
    P2- nothing can change itself- it must be changed by something distinct from it
    P3- if there were an infinite series of changes caused by changes, there would be no first changer
    P4- if there were no first changer there could not be any change
    C1- therefore there must be a first changer
    P5- God is this first changer
    C2- therefore God exists
  • Aquinas' 2nd way- from sustaining causation 

    P1- the universe contains sustaining causes and their effects which can be ordered
    P2- nothing can be the sustaining cause of itself, it must sustained by something distinct from itself
    P3- if there were an infinite series of sustaining causes there would be no first sustaining cause
    P4- if there were no first sustaining cause there could not be any other causes/effects- since if you remove the cause you cannot have the effect
    C1- therefore there must be a first sustaining cause
    P5- god is this first sustaining cause
    C2- so god exists
  • Aquinas' 3rd way- from contingency
    P1- if everything were contingent then there would be a time when nothing existed
    P2- if this were so, then nothing would exist now
    P3- but things do exist now
    C- therefore not everything is contingent- there must be something that exists necessarily
    P4- every necessary thing either has its necessity caused by another or not
    P5- an infinite regression of necessary causes is impossible
    C- therefore, there must be one necessary being whose necessity was not caused by another, and this is all people call god
  • Leibniz's argument- from the principle of sufficient reason
    P1- all contingent events/things need a sufficient reason for why they exist
    P2- if they exist as they do because of other events/things then this would not be a sufficient explanation because the infinite series is still itself contingent
    C1- therefore, there must, ultimately, be a sufficient reason for the contingent series
    C2- therefore a necessary substance/being exists- this is God
  • Descartes' argument

    P1- I exist as a being with an idea of a supremely perfect being in my mind
    P2- I cannot be the cause of myself as I would then be God and I know I am not
    P3- no other beings could be the cause because they could not account for the idea of God that I have in my mind
    P4- I cannot have no cause, as a cause is needed to sustain anything finite from one moment to the next
    C- the only possible cause of my continued existence is a supremely perfect being