Commercialbank- is a financial institution that accepts demanddeposits and makes commercial loan, as well as offering the widest array of services of any financial institutions
traditional commercial -which is the usual institution with tellers, safe deposit boxes, vaults and ATMs
mergingnontraditional commercial bank- those that donothavephysicalbranches and requires all customers to complete transaction by phone or internet
Emergingnontraditional commercial bank- generally payhigherinterest rates on investment and deposits and chargelowerfees
Creating money- Absence of loan, the producer cannot engage in further production because of a lack of funds
Creatingmoney- Money is created when the notes are used to buy goods and services
Safe deposit box
A vault available to customers on a rentalbasis where the owner places securities, deeds, insurance policies, or personal items that are valuable only to him
Safekeeping- bank requires the bank to take custody of the valuable and act as agent for customer, when valuable security like a Bond is placed under the care of the bank, the principal and interest will be collected by the bank upon maturity
primarysourceofcredit. This function enables them to render an important service to society
Commercial bank- can facilitate payment in the currencyrequired
Forms of deposits
checks issued by banks
Items forcollection from banks
proceeds of loans
Traveler's check
promissory notes
Money order
Types of deposits
Deposits as to source
*Private deposit are private individuals and businesses
*Public deposits are government whether national or local
Deposits as to the way they are created
* direct or primary deposits
* derivative or secondary deposits
Director primary deposits- are those received by banks from a wide variety of sources
Direct primary deposits
households which deposit their paychecks and other receipts in checking accounts
business which deposit their sales receipts, income from investment and other funs in demands accounts
National and local governments which deposit tax collections and income from fees, fines, sale of securities.
Direct deposits
they are deposited directly overthecounter by the depositors, also referred to as primary deposits because they arise at the discretion of the bank's customers
Direct deposits do not increase in circulation
Deposits as to Method of withdrawal
checkable deposits
Nontransaction deposits
Checkable deposits are accounts that allow the deposit holder to writechecks or to execute other orders to pay on demand. These accounts are also called demanddeposits because they are withdrawable on demand and they are also called current accounts because simultaneous deposits and withdrawals can be made on the account.
Non-transaction deposits- are those that cannotbe withdrawn on demand or by checks, but the interest rates usually higher than those on checkable deposits
Non-transaction deposits
Savings deposits
time deposits
Saving deposit is a thrift account bearing a fixed interest rate but nospecific maturity. Savings deposits bears lowest interest rate but permits the depositor to withdraw atwill
Time deposit is one that usually carried a fixed maturity and a stipulatedinterestrate but may be of any denomination, maturity, and yield agreed upon by the bank and depositors
Types of commercial loans
Realestate loans
Financial institution loans
agricultural loans
commercial and industrial loans
loans to individuals
miscellaneous loans
Realestate loans- those which are secured by realproperties like land buildings and other structures are called realestateloans and have maturities of 10 to 30 years
Real estate loans
Residential real estate loans
*these loans are granted for the purpose of constructing residential buildings
land development and construction loans
*loans for landdevelopment are granted to developers for the construction of streets, sewers and other building residential units for resale
construction loans are those granted to contractors of buildings
Financial institution loans
*These are credits granted to banks, insurance companies, finance companies, credit unions, pensions funds companies
Agricultural loans
* These loans are those extended to producers of agriculturalcrops including fishery products
Commercial and industrial loans
* These loans are granted to business firms. business loans may be short-term and long-term
Finance the funding needs of builders before they can secure a long term mortgage loan for the construction, such loans provide funds needed to hire workers, rent or lease construction equipment, construction materials and land development
Finance the short term fund requirements of securities dealers specifically the purchase of new securities and the carrying of existing securities held until they are sold
A credit arrangement where a business customer is allowed to borrow up to a prespecifiedlimit, replay all or only a portion of the loan, and reborrow as necessary until credit line expires