Shortness of breath on exertion (SOBOE) quantity exactly after after walking 2 level blocks.
Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnoea(PND)
Occurs with heart failure.
S3 sounds
Ventricular gallop often heard best by asking the patient to lie to their left side and listening over the apex with the bell of stethoscope.
S4 sounds
Atrial gallop, occurs immediately before the S1 and sounds like ta- lub-dub. It can occur with decreased ventricular compliance or coronary artery disease.
Extra heart sound. A murmur is a blowing or whooshing sound that signifies turbulent blood flow often caused by a valvular defect.
Heart rate of infant
80 to 140
HR of preterm
HR of newborn( 0 to 1 month)
HR of toddler
80 to 130
HR adolescents
60 to 90
Capillary refill test
Performed on the nail beds to monitor perfusion. If there is sufficient blood flow to the area, a pink color should return within 2 seconds after the pressure is removed.
Dorsalis Pedis Pulse
located just lateral to the extensor tendon of the big toe.
Tibial pedal pulses
The posterior tibial artery is located just behind the medial malleolus. Palpated by scooping the patient’s heels.
The paleness
The carotid artery may be auscultated for bruits. Bruits are a swishing sound due to turbulence in the blood vessels and maybe heard due to atherosclerosis.