is a biopsychosocial and spiritual being who is in constant contact
individuals, families, social groups, communities
what are the levels of clientele
a complete state of physical, mental, emotional and social being of a person
establish family, establish territory
components or attributes of man
open system, biopsychosocial being
nursing concepts of man
the ability to carry out task
the ability to interact successfully
with others
ability to manage stress and to recognize, accept
the ability to learn and use of informations
a persons belief, morals, and values
the ability to achieve a balance work
The ability to promote health measures that improve the standards of living and quality of life in the community
a state in which a person is unhealthy
Vital signs taken for John
Blood pressure
A student nurse taking care of a patient with an abnormal body temperature needs more training when he/she discourages a patient from drinking fluid to avoid excessive activity
Sim's position
The most appropriate position in obtaining a rectal temperature for an adult
The patient has been outdoor for more than 30 minutes could result in the least accurate reading when assessing a tympanic temperature in a 20-year-old male patient
Height is not a factor affecting body temperature
Volume of pulse
The amount of blood pushing against the artery wall with each beat
When temperatures with baselines and normal temperature ranges are compared, the presence of abnormalities is normally received
Axillary is considered the least accurate method of measuring temperature
How to get celsius
C= (F-32)x5/9
How to get farenheit
F= (Cx9/5)+32
96.0 to 99.5 degrees Fahrenheit is the normal temperature range of neonates
Pain is considered the 5th vital sign
When body temperature taken orally is below 36.0C the person is suffering from hypothermia
Classifications of fever
The hypothalamus is the regulator of body temperature
Libido is normally heightened among older persons
Investigates the role of nurses which further improves the nursing practice
Purposes of proper assessment of vital signs
Help evaluate improvement of patient condition
Implement planned interventions
Identify nursing diagnosis
Vital signs
An indication of basic body functioning
Piaget is mainly known for studying cognitive development
The art and science of teaching adults wherein teaching is more learner centered and the past experiences play a key role
The art and science of helping children learn
Psychomotor domain
Primary focus is on development of manipulative skills rather than on the growth of intellectual capability
The desired end result or intended outcome which the learner is expected to achieve
Health Education topics
Proper Nutrition
Sex Education
Statutory law is created by elected legislatures, such as the state legislature that defines the Nurse Practice Act (NPA)