Anti-inflammatories + vaccines

Cards (12)

  • What are the 2 types of vaccines?
    live attenuated and killed.
  • Mode of action of live attenuated vaccines?
    Contains modified live version of the pathogen of a slightly different strain to that which causes disease, undergo limited replication in host but not enough to cause disease.
  • Benefits of using live attenuated vaccines?
    Animal is exposed to fuller range of viral antigens which produces a more robust immune response in the animal.
  • negatives of using live attenuated vaccine?
    Risk vaccine could produce mild clinical disease or adverse reaction.
  • Mode of action of killed vaccine?
    pathogens have been chemically inactivated and cant reproduce. Contains an adjuvant chemical that enhances immune response by slowing the release of the vaccine and attracting immune cells to the injection site.
  • Benefits to a killed vaccine?
    safer in pregnant or immune supressed animals.
  • negatives to a killed vaccine?
    Higher doses are needed to provoke an effective immune response.

    Patient may have reaction to adjuvant.
  • When/why is meloxicam used?
    Drug reduces inflammation
    has high bioavailability and 24 hour half-life.
  • How does is the mode of action for meloxicam and carprofen?
    By inhibiting production of COX-1 and COX-2 prostaglandin. Most selective for COX-2 as it reduces potential damage to GI tract and kidneys.
  • why is carprofen used?
    same as meloxicam. Has half-life of 8-11 hrs.
  • Mode of action of prednisolone?
    Enters the cell nucleus and alters gene expression in the cell leading to inhibition of production of inflammatory mediators.
  • when is prednisolone used?
    to treat severe allergic reactions, neoplasia, asthma, and immune mediated diseases.