are you a conformist of course you're not but most other people are right damn sheep people they always act and dress the same way and believe the same things as everyone around them never truly thinking for themselves but why is this why is it so hard to go against the crowd
which of these lines is longer it's B right okay of course it's a but is there any situation where you would feel like you had to say B just to fit in with a bunch of strangers
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A change in Behavior or belief as a result of real or imagined group pressure so an individual changing what they do or how they think because of what they consider to be pressure coming from a larger group
the point about the imagin pressure is interesting I think we can all think of a time when we felt the need to change how we behaved to fit in with a group and likely that group actually didn't care or even notice
Adopting the stereotypical behaviors expected of a particular social role, even if they don't privately agree with them, in order to feel part of the group
The Stanford Prison Experiment investigated the causes of prison violence by randomly assigning college-age males to be either prison inmates or prison officers
keep in mind when it comes to Conformity we're not talking about the individual altering their behavior due to taking a direct order the members of these groups are likely to be groups of peers they're not authority figures
obedience is obeying the direct orders of an authority figure obedience is a separate form of social influence that we'll discuss later on in this unit but I do find students new to the social influence unit often get the two confused
Recent analysis found that Zimbardo and other researchers directly instructed the guards to be highly aggressive, invalidating the conclusion that the guards' behavior was due to adapting to social roles
A type of Conformity where in response to pressure from others individuals change their behavior or what they outwardly claim to be their beliefs but their private beliefs were change the primary motivation behind compliance is the desire to get a positive reaction from others either avoiding disapproval or punishment