
Cards (11)

  • FOUR main steps of RISK ASSESSMENT according to Savitz (1998)
    1. hazard identification
    2. risk description
    3. exposure assessment
    4. risk estimation
    • Newspapers
    • periodicals
    • radio,
    • IV
    • billboards
  • In 2009, about 52% of the deaths in the Philippines were attributed to conditions related to lifestyle factors:
    • diseases of the heart
    • cerebrovascular diseases
    • malignant neoplasm
    • chronic lower respiratory diseases
    • diabetes mellitus.
  • Practicing sleep hygiene
    1. Avoid caffeine and nicotine close to bedtime
    2. Avoid alcohol as it can cause sleep disruptions
    3. Retire and get up at the same time every day
    4. Exercise regularly, but finish all exercise and vigorous activity at least 3 hours before bedtime
    5. Establish a regular, relaxing bedtime routine (a warm bath, reading a book)
    6. Create a dark, quiet, cool sleep environment
    7. Have comfortable beddings as much as circumstances allow
    8. Use bed for sleep only, do not read, listen to music, or watch TV in bed
    9. Avoid large meals before bedtime
    1. Make the decision to quit. Any change is scary, and smoking cessation is a big change requiring a long term commitment.
    2. Set a date to quit and choose a plan.
    3. Deal with withdrawal through
    4. Staying off tobacco is a lifelong process
  • A drink is the amount of any alcoholic beverage that delivers a half ounce (around 15 ml) of pure ethanol, which is equivalent to the following:
    • 4-5 ounces (around 120-150 ml) of wine
    • 10 ounces (around 300 ml) of wine cooler
    • 12 ounces (around 360 ml) of beer
    • 1.25 ounces (around 40 ml) of distilled liquor (80 proof of whiskey, scotch, rum, or vodka).
  • However, those who should not drink at all include:
    • Pregnant or trying to become pregnant women.
    • People taking prescription
    • 21 years old and below
    • Recovering from alcoholism
    • Suffering from a medical condition
    • Driving, planning to drive, other activities requiring skill, coordination, and alertness.
  • Ten target areas for national action to reduce the harmful use of alcohol:
    1. Leadership, awareness, commitment
    2. Health service response
    3. Community action
    4. Drink-driving policies and countermeasures
    5. Availability of alcohol
    6. Marketing of alcoholic beverages
    7. Pricing policies
    8. Reducing the negative consequences of intoxication
    9. Reducing the public health impact of unrecorded alcohol
    10. Monitoring and surveillance
  • Community health workers should be:
    • Members of the communities where they work
    • Should be selected by the communities
    • Should be answerable to the communities for their activities
    • Should be supported by the health system but not necessarily a part of its organization
    • Have shorter training than professional workers
  • Promoting a healthy diet and lifestyle
    1. Eat a variety of foods every day
    2. Breastfeed infants exclusively from birth to 4-6 months and then give appropriate foods while continuing breastfeeding
    3. Maintain children's normal growth through proper diet and monitor their growth regularly
    4. Consume fish, lean meat, poultry, or dried beans
    5. Eat more vegetables, fruits, and root crops
    6. Eat foods cooked in edible/cooking oil daily
    7. Consume milk, milk products, and other calcium-rich foods such as small fish and dark green leafy vegetables every day
    8. Use iodized salt, but avoid excessive intake of salty foods
    9. Eat clean and safe food