universality is an issue of gender bias as psychologists possess beliefs and valuesinfluenced by the social and historicalcontext tithing which they live. This may underminepsychologistsclaims to discoverfacts about humanbehaviour that are objective, value-free and consistent across time and culture (universality)
bias is an issue of genderbias as bias is leaning towards a personal view that doesn'treflectreality.Psychological theory and research may notaccuratelyrepresent the experience/behaviour of men and women
alpha bias exaggeratesdifferences as an issue of gender bias. Differencesbetween the sexes are usually presented as fixed and inevitable. These differences occasionally heighten the value of women, but are morelikely to devaluefemales in relation to males.
example of alpha bias psychodynamic theory as an issue of gender bias.
Alphabiasfavoursmales-Freud claimed children, in the phallic stage, desire their oppositesexparent. This is resolved by identification with their samesexparent. but as girl's identification is weaker, creating a weakersuperego and weakermoraldevelopments.
Alpha bias favouringfemales- Chodorow said that daughters and mothers are moreconnected than sons and mothers because of biologicalsimilarities
beta bias minimisesdifferences as an issue of genderbias as ignoring or underestimatingdifferences between men and women often occurs when femaleparticipants are not including in the researchprocess but it is assumed that researchfinding apply equally to bothsexes
example of beta bias is fight or flight. Early research into fight or flight was based on maleanimals and fight or flights was assumed to be a universalresponse to threat. Taylor et al. suggest that femalesexhibit a tend and befriend response governed by the hormoneoxytocin which is moreplentiful in women and reducesfight or flightresponse
androcentrism is that alpha and beta bias consequences of androcentrisms.Psychology gas been a subjectdominated by men which leads to femalebehaviour being misunderstood and even pathologised
one limitation of gender bias is that genderdifferences are give as fixed and enduring. Maccoby and Jacklin concluded that girls have betterverbal ability and boys better spatial ability due to hardwiredbiologicalbraindifferences. Joel et al. used brainscanning ad found nogenderdifferences. This suggests that we should be wary of acceptingresearch as biologicalfacts when it might be explainedbetter as socialstereotypes
counterpoint to gender differences are given as fixed an enduring is that Ingalhalikar et al. suggests the popularstereotypes that females are better at multitasking may have some biologicaltruth to it as their hemispheres are betterconnected. This suggests that there may be biologicaldifference but we still should be wary of exaggerating the effect they may have on behaviour
One limitation of gender bias is that it promotessexism in the research process. Women are underrepresented in universitydepartments (Murphy et al.). Research is more likeyly to be conducted by males which may disadvantagesfemales. For example, a maleresearcher may expectfemale participants to be irrational and unable to completetasks which mean they underperform. This means that the institutionalstructures and methods of psychology may provide findings that are genderbiased