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  • Geologic evidence shows Earth formed 4.6 BYA
  • The planets probably formed from debris cast off from our Sun following its condensation from interstellar gas and dust of a nebula about 5-7 BYA
  • Earth was semi-molten → gradually cooled enough to form a solid rock crust
  • Decay of radioactive elements of Earth caused partial melting of the planet's interior, with denser materials making up the core
  • Differential temperatures of the core and crust set convection currents in motion in the mantle
  • Gases released into the primitive atmosphere
    • ammonia = NH3
    • carbon monoxide = CO
    • hydrogen sulfide = H2S
    • methane = CH4
    • nitrogen = N2
    • water vapor = H2O
  • Water vapor condensed and fell through the atmosphere → dissolving gases; "poisonous" rain
  • Run-off of rainwater from the land carried dissolved minerals into a shallow proto-ocean
  • The collective materials in the proto-ocean formed a "hot, thin primordial soup"
  • Ribozyme
    An RNA molecule capable of enzymatic actions, e.g., the self-splicing introns of some RNAs, which can excise themselves from the molecule without the help of protein enzymes
  • The earliest organism may have been no more than a ribozyme
  • Early Atmosphere probably contained CO2, CO, Nitrogen, Ammonia, Methane. No oxygen to support life
  • The Earth cooled down → enough for liquid water to form
    3.8 BYA
  • Microscopic organisms → earliest life form
  • Preserved in the hard structures called "stromatolites"
  • Prokaryotes and anaerobic heterotrophs that fed on organic molecules in the primordial soup
  • Cyanobacteria (2.4 BYA) → Earth's first photo-synthesizers, making food using water and the Sun's energy and releasing oxygen as a result
  • Cyanobacteria catalyzed a sudden, dramatic rise in oxygen → killed microbes that could not tolerate oxygen (Great Oxidation Event)
  • The Great Oxidation Event was recorded on seafloor rocks → oxidation reaction caused bands of iron
  • Oxygen levels were lowered eventually → reduce in cyanobacteria number
  • Anaerobic respiration
    C6H12O6 (glucose) → energy + C2H3OH (ethanol) + CO2
  • In the atmosphere, UV radiation
    3CO2 + UV → O3 (ozone) + 3CO (carbon monoxide)
  • Animal bodies have various cells each doing a distinct job
  • Microbes are just single cells with no organelles and no nuclei to package their DNA
  • Eukaryotic organisms → true nucleus, DNA, and membrane-bound organelles evolved between 1.4 and 1.6 BYA
  • DNA became packaged in nuclei
  • The new complex cells ("eukaryotic cells") boasted specialized parts playing specialized roles that supported the whole cell
  • Cells also began living together → benefits (feed efficiently, grow bigger, protection)
  • Living collectively, cells began to support the needs of the group by each cell doing a specific job (specialization), similar to stem cells
  • Clusters of specialized, cooperating cells eventually became the first animals (800 MYA)
  • Poriferans (Sponges) were among the earliest animals
  • While chemical compounds from sponges are preserved in rocks as old as 700 million years, molecular evidence points to sponges developing even earlier
  • Oxygen levels in the ocean were still low compared to today, but sponges are able to tolerate conditions of low oxygen
  • Ediacaran Period aka Vendian Period → more organisms aside from sponges have proliferated

    580 MYA
  • Fossil evidence of Ediacaran organisms can be found in sedimentary rocks around the world
  • Ediacaran Period → end of global Marinoan glaciation
  • Distinctive carbonate aka "cap carbonate" from glacial deposits
  • By the end of the Ediacaran, oxygen levels rose, approaching levels sufficient to sustain oxygen-based life
  • The early sponges may actually have helped boost oxygen by eating bacteria
  • Tracks of an organism named Dickinsonia costata suggest that it may have been moved along the sea bottom, presumably feasting on mats of microbes