Begins as a polyps that arises from the mucosa in colon and rectum. It grows and becomes invasive, may spread to lymph nodes, liver, lungs or peritoneum
Possible complications
fistula formation
bowel obstruction
Clinical manifestations are usually non specific or appear once the disease is advanced. The clinical manifestations vary according to which part of the colon is affected
Clinical manifestations include:
rectal bleeding
abdominal cramps, gas or bloating
sensation of incomplete evacuation
weight loss, loss of appetite
alternating constipation and diarrhea
change in stool calibre (narrow)
Polyps or tumors in the colon have blood vessels that release a small amount of blood onto the stool when it passes by. Stool tests (FIT or guaiac test) check for this occult blood. If the test comes back positive, a colonoscopy is done to confirm.
Other diagnostic studies include
medical history
digital rectal exam
liver function test
CT scan, MRI or ultrasound
Prognosis and treatment correlate with pathological staging of disease (TNM= tumor, lymph nodes, metastasis)