Obedience: Situational explanations

    Cards (14)

    • There are two situational explanations of obedience;
      1. Agentic state
      2. Legitimacy of authority
    • Agentic state -> mental state where we feel no personal responsibility for our behaviour as we are acting on behalf of an authority figure
    • Agentic state is when we feel no personal responsibility for our behaviour as we are acting on behalf of an authority figure.
    • The opposite of the Agentic state is an autonomous state
    • The autonomous state is when a person is free to behave according to their own principles and feel a sense of responsibility for their own actions
    • The shift from autonomy to agency is known as Agentic shift and occurs when person perceives someone as an authority figure
    • Legitimacy of authority -> we are more likely to obey those who we perceive to have authority over us
    • An example of legitimate figures are teachers, doctors or police
    • Milgram suggested two things must be in place for a person to enter the Agentic state;
      1. person giving the orders is a legitimate authority
      2. person being ordered believe authority will accept responsibility for what happens
    • We learn acceptance of legitimate authority from childhood - through parents and then teachers
    • A consequence of legitimacy of authority is that some people are granted power to punish others such as police and courts. We trust them to exercise their authority appropriately.
    • Problem's arise when the legitimate authority becomes destructive. Powerful leaders like Hilter used their power for destructive reasons.
    • A03 - Strength to Agentic state
      Milgrams study supports Agentic state as once participants perceived they were not responsible for their behaviour, they acted more easily.
    • AO3 - Weakness to legitimacy of authority
      Cannot explain instances of disobedience were legitimacy is clear and accepted.
      • Some people may be less obedient than others
      • Innate tendencies to obey/disobey have an impact on influence of behaviour rather than LoA
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