1. Nerve signal (action potential) arrives at axon terminal
2. Stimulates opening of voltage-gated Ca2+ channels à Ca2+ enters axon terminal
3. Calcium stimulates release of ACh
4. Ca2+ binds to ACh vesicles à vesicles release ACh via exocytosis into synaptic cleft
5. ACh binds to ACh receptors in sarcolemma of muscle fiber
6. Ion channels open in ACh receptor à Na+ (lots) and K+ (some) move DOWN their concentration gradients
7. Sodium entering cell > potassium leaving cell à sarcoplasm becomes less negative
8. Causes local depolarization – End-plate potential (EPP)
9. If stimulus is strong enough, membrane potential reaches threshold (-65 mV)
10. Triggers adjacent voltage-gated ion channels to open à ACTION POTENTIAL generated