A type of puritic eczema that usually begins during infancy and is associated with an allergic contact dermatitis with a hereditary tendency (atopy).
How does AD usually manifest?
Three forms based on the child's age:
Infantile, childhood, preadolescent and adolescent.
What happens with infantile AD?
Usually begins at 2 - 6 months and generally undergoes spontaneous remission by 3 years old.
When does childhood AD start?
2 - 3 years of age.
When does preadolescent and adolescent AD start?
About 12 years of age and may continue into early adult years or indefinitely.
How is AD diagnosed?
A combination of history, clinical manifestations, and sometimes morphological findings. Family history of eczema, asthma, food allergies, or allergic rhinitis can contribute as well.
The cause for atopic dermatitis (eczema) is unknown but is related to abnormal skin function.
How do the weather and seasons affect eczema?
Eczema improves in humid climates and gets worse in the fall and winter when homes are heated and humidity is lowered.
How is infantile eczema distributed?
Generalized, especially cheeks, scalp, trunk, and extensor surfaces of extremities.
How is childhood eczema distributed?
Flexural areas (antecubital and popliteal fossae, neck), wrists, ankles, and feet.
How is preadolescent and adolescent eczema distributed?
Faces, sides of neck, hands, feet, face, antecubital and popliteal fossae (to a lesser extent).
How does infantile eczema appear?
Erythema, vesicles, papules, weeping, oozing, crusting, scaling, often asymmetric.
How does childhood eczema appear?
Symmetric involvement with clusters of small erythematous or flesh colored papules or minimally scaling patches.
How does adolescent or adult eczema appear?
Same as childhood, with thick and dry lesions common. Papules may merge together.
What can help manage eczema?
Hydrate the skin to relieve pruritis
Tepid baths
Emollient lotions
Antihistamines (Benadryl)
What are side effects of giving Benadryl for eczema?