Enlargement of the heart, ventricles increase in size due to malfunction, can be detected by ECG
Filling and emptying the heart chambers, repetitive contraction and relaxation of heart chambers
Contraction of atria or ventricles, known as emptying
Pulmonary circulation
Purpose - oxygenate the blood
Managed by the right side of the heart
Moves blood from heart to lungs
Has lower pressure compared to systemic circulation
Purpose - transport oxygenated blood to the body
Managed by the left side of the heart
Moves blood from heart to body
Heart sounds
S1 (lub, closure of AV valves, beginning of systole)
S2 (dub, closure of SL valves, beginning of diastole)
S3 (ventriculargallop, early diastole)
S4 (atrial gallop, late diastole)
Murmurs (pathologic heart sounds produced when blood is pumped across a heart valve)
The volume of blood ejected by the ventricles in one minute
Strokevolume x HR = 5 to 6 L/min
Amount of blood ejected from the left ventricle with each contraction, approximately 70 ml
Heart rate
Number of beats per minute, 60 to 100 bpm
Factors affecting stroke volume
Preload (volume of blood in ventricles at end of diastole)
Afterload (resistance left ventricle must overcome to pump blood to system/aorta)
Synergy contraction
Compliance or distensibility of ventricles
Contractility of myocardium
Autonomic nervous system stimulation (sympathetic and parasympathetic)
Located between trachea and SCM, centrally located arterial pulse
Runs parallel to the carotid artery
Jugularvenouspressure (JVP)
Reflects right atrial pressure, determines centralvenouspressure (CVP)
Cranial nerve that stimulates the parasympathetic stimulation
VagusNerve(CN X)
Doctors directly place catheters on the right atrium to detect the central venous pressure to determine if the patient has heart failure
History of tonsillitis (treated or not / recurrent) - if left untreated, the microorganisms that cause tonsillitis may travel to other parts of the body and can lead to rheumaticheartdisease (RHD)