A plus lens held in the hand, mounted in a handle, but NOT in a stand
Hand magnifiers (HM)
Provide relative distance and angular magnifications
It is assumed that the object is held at the focal distance of the lens
Light emerging from the magnifier is parallel & accommodative demand is zero
Hand magnifiers (HM)
The magnifier can be held at any distance from the eye & there will be no change in accommodative demand (it remains zero)
Both the distance between the object & the HM, and the distance between the eye & the magnifier are variable
HM can be used with or without a reading add or accommodation
Trade magnification
Assumes hand magnifier is held in contact with a reading addition of +4.00DS (or accommodation of 4D is exerted) & the comparison is made with a reference working distance of 25 cm
Magnification of HM used with bifocal or accommodation
Object is not always held at the focal point of the plus-lens
Pre-presbyopic can converge & accommodate for the physically near location of the objects
Presbyopic PXs using HM (or MS) are expected to wear reading glasses
Divergent rays will be leaving the magnifier and a converging effect of accommodation or reading glasses will make rays parallel
Advantages of HM
Convenient for short term reading "spot or survival reading"
Allow more flexibility of WD
Can have internal illumination
Psychologically acceptable (over the shelf)
Usually compact, lightweight and portable
Disadvantages of HM
Require good manipulation & steady hand
One hand is occupied
Reading speed usually slower than microscope with equivalent power
Field of view smaller than equivalent MS
Stand magnifiers (SM)
A plus lens or lens combination, mounted in a housing, the base of which sits on the material to be viewed
Fixed distance form the page (fixed focus)
Magnifier to object distance (stand height) is LESS than focal length of the lens
Stand magnifiers (SM)
Image formed is NOT at infinity but within infinity & the light emerging from the magnifier is, divergent
As the rays of light leaving the lens are divergent, the PX has to accommodate/wear an add to neutralise the divergence so that parallel light enters the eye
The image will be larger than the original object
Stand magnifiers (SM)
For the two-component system (magnifier lens + reading add), a higher mag. will be achieved with: a higher add & a close distance between add & magnifier lens
Reading cant be bigger than the divergence of light leaving the magnifier lens, or a clear retinal image CANNOT BE FORMED
Determining the emergent vergence
Manufacturers label magnifiers according to M = Fm/4 or M = Fm/(4 + 1)
The position of the image created by the SM & the way the magnifier is positioned will affect the magnification obtained
This is rarely taken into account by the manufacturers when labelling SM
No STANDARD reading addition or accommodative effort
Advantages of SM
Accurate working distance, beneficial for PXs with hand tumor or weakness
Hands free
Available with built-in illumination
Disadvantages of SM
PXs may require reading spectacles to neutralize the emergent divergence