Behaviourist Approach

Cards (7)

  • key assumptions of behaviourist approach
    - humans are born blank slates
    - hevaiour is shaped by environment/experince
    - used highly controlled experiments
  • define classical conditioning
    - learning through association
    - NS + UCS > CS + CR
  • outline Pavlov's dogs:
    - demonstrated stimulus/response with dogs
    - associated sound of ticking metronome/bell (NS then CS) with food (UCS)
    - associated the NS with food, producing CR of drool
  • what is stimulus generalisation

    - a CR formed to a CS will occur with similar stimuli
    - Little Albert, classically conditioned to fear a white rat, became afraid of fur coat, dog, santa mask
  • define operant conditioning
    - learning through consequence/reinforcement
  • outline Skinner's box:
    - rats more likely to produce behaviour when positively reinforced (pulling a lever to release a food pellet)
    - rats more likely to produce behaviour when negatively reinforced (pressing a lever removed the unpleasant electric shock)
  • A03, behaviourist approach
    - environmentally deterministic
    - reductionist, reduces complex mental processes down to simple stimulus/response units
    - extrapolation issues (animal research)