Social Learning Theory

Cards (5)

  • key assumptions of SLT
    - behaviour is learnt through role models, via reward and punishment
    - focuses on learning in a social context due to exposure to others behaviour
  • define imitation; SLT
    - others behaviour is observed, if behaviour is rewarded we are more likely to reproduce the behaviour (vicarious reinforcement), less likely to replicate if observe negative consequences (vicarious punishment)
  • state + define; mediational processes
    - attention: see
    - retention: remember
    - reproduction: ablility to replicate
    - motivation: do the rewards outweigh the cost
  • outline Bandura: bobo dolls

    - 72, 3-5 yr olds, children matched on levels of aggression
    - watched videos of adults interacting aggressively/non-aggressively with a bobo doll
    - aggression imitated in group who watched aggressive adult model, other group not aggressive
    - effect stronger if adult same gender as child, suggesting identification
    - boys more aggressive than girls (genetic element? testosterone ?)
  • A03, SLT
    - bandura's research used controlled variables and supports the theory, however issue of cause and effect
    - sees behaviour as environmentally determined, genetic component suggested by boys being more aggressive than girls