9. Assist with delivery: Never hold the baby back, Put on sterile gloves if available, & if there is still time, Have client pant & not push, Rupture the membranes when head crowns, Gently slip the cord over the head, Use gentle pressure to fetal head upwards toward the vagina to prevent damage/injury to fetal head & vaginal lacerations, Deliver head in-between contractions, Shoulders are usually born spontaneously after external rotation; if not, use gentle pressure downward pressure to move anterior shoulder under symphysis pubis & then use upward pressure for the delivery of posterior shoulder, Support the fetal body during expulsion & then wipe the body, Care for the cord: If materials are available, clamp cord in two places & cut b/w with clean knife or scissors, If there is no available instrument for cord clamping & cutting, just double tie using the cleanest possible piece of cloth or string (i.e., a clean handkerchief) ensuring that there is no pulsation b/w the ties to prevent transfusing newborn blood to the outside which will lead to neonatal hemorrhage & shock, Allow placenta to separate naturally, Place the infant on mother's abdomen, or better still encourage mother to breastfeed to induce uterine contractions & for reassurance that all is well, Institute measures as prescribed in the third & fourth stage of labor, Handle delivery gently to prevent injury to mother & baby