Lesson 3

Cards (14)

  • Audience Research is traditionally about:

    ● Gaining an insight on audience preferences, however fluid and ever-changing these could be in the present period; and
    ● Calibrating audiences’ sizes and reach.
    ● Allied to market research and social research.
    ● Is the only way to get an estimate of audience sizes.
  • Radio and Television
    The manner of dissemination – transmission via the airwaves – is like it is given free to audiences and there is no way of measuring how many are actually patronizing the program. Mass media platforms that cannot accurately count their audiences.
  • Market Research
    ● Convenient to know about how markets thrive, consumer habits, and how consumers leverage their consumption preferences.
    ● It is mostly aligned with the increasing revenue or addressing issues that seem to constrain revenue growths.
  • Social Research
    ● Learning about social groups without having to anchor research objectives to social groups or sectors of societies
  • Qualities of Research
    1. Systematic
    2. Logical
    3. Empirical
    4. Replicable
  • Systematic
    The whole research undertaking should be structured with steps that should be followed according to the design.
  • Logical
    Research should be guided by the rules of logical reasoning and the logical process of induction and deduction.
  • Empirical
    Research is underpinned by data that is systematically gathered and forms the basis of all analysis and conclusions that will be arrived at.
  • Replicable
    Research findings are verifiable by replicating the study and achieving the same results.
  • Survey
    ● The most common method of audience research.
    ● Conducted mostly through questionnaires administered to a select group of people where they are asked the same questions, and their answers consolidated and tabulated.
  • Observation
    -Can be both formal and informal.
    -The researcher observes the participants and collects quantitative data in a natural setting.
  • Formal observation
    may entail more structure and design.
  • Informal observation
    Is a good starting ground from where more to elaborate research methods can be applied.
  • Focused Group Discussion (FGD)
    ● conducted with a small group of six to ten people led through the structured discussion by a skilled facilitator.
    ● The goal is to generate a maximum number of different ideas and opinions regarding a particular topic centered around a media and information text.
    ● A set of carefully crafted questions are cascaded to the participants to trigger responses that will generate opinions, insights, and perspectives.