Justice peace reconciliation dialogue

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  • reconciliation was taught by Jesus as he preached to his disciples and followers the importance of forgiving others so that they can be forgiven by God. Jesus used parables to explain forgiveness the parable of the prodigal son demonstrates the power of forgiveness as the father welcomes his son with open arms despite is past flaws.
  • Dialogue means taking part in conversation or discussion. Sometimes it is trying to resolve a problem. 
    Why is effective dialogue and interaction important:
    • To increase mutual understanding 
    • To develop good relationships
    • Break down barriers between people
  • Three Faith Forum promotes interfaith dialogue between Christians, Jews and Muslims. 
    • Here religious people address faith issues together
    • Learn about each other’s faith and work (open and respectful)
    • Helps promotes tolerance, cooperation and friendship within the community. 
    In 2018 changed name to Faith and Belief Forum, to be more inclusive to all faiths and none. 
  • Amnesty international is working about reconciliation as they focus on human rights. They do campaigns that centre on human rights rights like stopping the death penalty and protecting the rights of refugees. They focus on cases were human rights have been violated ,they approach perpetrators and create healing for affected communities.
  • The United Nations was established following World War II to prevent conflict from recurring again. The United Nations published a set of articles that encourage the well-being of others. A few of the articles are freedom from slavery, the right to free speech, and the right to an education. These support the well-being of all people around the world because they allow individuals to live freely and without limits. They can go about their regular lives without dread of the unknown or being coerced to perform labour.
  • Father Peter McVerry promotes reconciliation as he empathises with those in need and provides a solution
  • Father peters trust - promotes peace And reconciliation by addressing the issue of homelessness and addiction.
    • provides shelter And support (needy) fosters a sense of unity - essential for peace and reconciliation.Trust centres o, youth homelessness.
    • Through him raising awareness about social injustices and he provides shelter and help to drug addicts, he promotes peace as he is helping to reduce the rate of drug addicts this will reduce drug crime- this creates peace.
    • promotes reconciliation as he empathises with them,and provides a solution
  • The taizé Community promotes peace, as it aims to bridge the gap/promote unity and understanding among Christian denominations as different Christian groups are brought together for prayer and worship. Their way of communal living ; sharing meals and working with different people promotes a great sense of understanding and reconciliation. Reconciling religious group requires some time and effort.
  • The Taizé Community promotes peace by encouraging members to engage in acts of service and compassion towards others. Through these actions, members develop a deeper appreciation for the dignity and worth of every person, regardless of their background or beliefs.
  • The Taizé Community promotes peace by emphasizing the importance of listening and dialogue. Members are encouraged to listen actively to one another's perspectives and experiences, seeking to understand and appreciate differences rather than judging or dismissing them.
  • Reconciliation is offered in Christianity.
    • Confession in the church and Jesus dying.
    • so that we can be redeemed
    • Baptism - Washes away sins.
    • 1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins he’s faithful and just and will forgive us for our sins and purify us from unrighteousness