Bagby reported the case of a woman who had a phobia of running water that she acquired from her feet getting stuck in some rocks near a waterfall
Mowrer (1960) conditioned rats to fear a buzzer through the use of electric shocks and then through operant conditioning he trained the rats to escape the electric shocks by making the avoidance response of jumping over a barrier when the buzzer sounded
These pieces of research provide strong support for the idea that phobias can be acquired through classical conditioning and maintained through operant conditioning
It explained how phobias could also be MAINTAINED over time and this had important implications for therapies because it explains why patients need to be exposed to the feared stimulus
We have not had enough time to evolve a tendency to fear cars and guns, even though they are far more dangerous to our survival in modernsociety than say, spiders and snakes
DiNardo et al (1988) found that 50% of people with a fear of dogs had had some kind of negative experience with a dog in their childhood, however 50% participants who had no phobias at all reported that they had experienced a traumatic event involving a dog
Those who had developed a phobia tended to have focused more the likelihood of that kind of event happening again