Deals with auditory information which is subdivided into = phonological store-stores words heard , articulatory store-allows maintenance rehearsal by repeating sounds to keep them in WM while they are needed
Stores visual and spatial information when required, subdivided into visual cache-stores visual data and inner scribe-records arrangement of objects in a visual field
Temporary store for information . Integrates visual, spatial and verbal information from others stores. Maintains sense of time sequencing . Links to LTM
Con,lack of validity on CE since it is the most important but least understood component of WM, there must be more to the CE than it being made up of separate components which makes it an unsatisfactory component
Pro, a case study sown that a patient with brain damage who had a damaged PL which meant his STM for auditory information was poor but he could process visual information normally with an intact VSS , support the WMM view that there are separate visual and acoustic memory stores