348 mm of rain in 24 hours, this led to rivers overflowing and mass flooding
Saturated ground conditions
Following a wet autumn, heavy rain fell on already saturated ground
This means water couldn't be absorbed by ground so flooding was worse
Rock type
Rock types in the area are : slate, limestone and granite
Impermeable rock!!
Leads to more flooding because water cannot be drained away as the water can't be absorbed
River networks and tributaries
Cockermouth is small town which lies on the confluence between 2 rivers which creates the 'bottleneck' effect
Instead of just having to deal with one river's water you have to deal with two
Homes and buisnesses have been built on the floodplain
Tarmac makes ground impermeable
This means water cannot be absorbed by grass so water level increases
Tarmac doesn't absorb water
Many people previously built on floodplains because the ground is flat!
Because of steep hilled slopes, rainwater flows into rivers quickly, as water moves faster on permeable saturated steep land there would be more flooding
Dredging silt from the river
Removal of sediment at the bottom of the river making it deeper and able to hold more water so less likely to flood