Occur as a result of illegal personal contact with an opponent and/or unsportsmanlike behavior, results in a loss of possession and possible free throws
Called against an offensive player with the ball when that player is guarded closely for five seconds or more, and does not pass, shoot, or dribble within that time
A player may not assist himself in an attempt to score by using any part of the rim, net, backboard or basket support to lift, hold or raise himself, and a player may not assist a teammate to gain height while attempting to score
A ball that enters the basket from below is whistled dead and a change of possession occurs, when the player causes the ball to pass through below, it is violation
Touch the ball or the basket ring when the ball is sitting or rolling on the ring and using the basket ring as its lower base or hang on the rim while the ball is passing through
It occurs when the dribbling player continues to dribble after allowing the ball to come to rest in one or both hands and/or places their hand underneath the basketball
The only type of foul that does not come explicit physical contact of opposing players during the game, players on the court, bench players and the coaching staff on either team can receive technical foul