R.E year 10
Issues of Good and Evil
Created by
Gabriella Waszak
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Subdecks (30)
Jewish response to the Holocaust (Shoah)
R.E year 10 > Issues of Good and Evil
9 cards
Philosophical challenges by belief in God+ existence of evil
R.E year 10 > Issues of Good and Evil
3 cards
Philosophical perspectives on the origin of evil
R.E year 10 > Issues of Good and Evil
9 cards
Examples of forgiveness from personal beliefs
R.E year 10 > Issues of Good and Evil
6 cards
Jewish teachings about forgiveness
R.E year 10 > Issues of Good and Evil
11 cards
Jewish peace fellowship
R.E year 10 > Issues of Good and Evil
2 cards
Peace and conflict : just war theory - Judaism
R.E year 10 > Issues of Good and Evil
9 cards
Jewish responses to the Death Penalty
R.E year 10 > Issues of Good and Evil
11 cards
The work of prison reformers + prison chaplains
R.E year 10 > Issues of Good and Evil
4 cards
Jewish attitudes to punishment
R.E year 10 > Issues of Good and Evil
10 cards
Pope John Paul II’s Salvifici Doloris 13&23
R.E year 10 > Issues of Good and Evil
7 cards
Catholic responses to the Problem of Evil
R.E year 10 > Issues of Good and Evil
6 cards
Philosophical challenges posed by belief in God
R.E year 10 > Issues of Good and Evil
4 cards
Catholic perspective in the origin of evil
R.E year 10 > Issues of Good and Evil
20 cards
Examples of forgiveness arising from personal beliefs
R.E year 10 > Issues of Good and Evil
14 cards
Sacrament of Reconciliation
R.E year 10 > Issues of Good and Evil
2 cards
Christian teachings about forgiveness
R.E year 10 > Issues of Good and Evil
8 cards
Response to evil + suffering
R.E year 10 > Issues of Good and Evil
6 cards
Pacifism and Conscientious Objectors
R.E year 10 > Issues of Good and Evil
6 cards
Peace and Conflict - Just war theory
R.E year 10 > Issues of Good and Evil
7 cards
Catholic responses to the Death Penalty
R.E year 10 > Issues of Good and Evil
13 cards
Treatment of criminals + prison reformers work + chaplains
R.E year 10 > Issues of Good and Evil
12 cards
Catholic belief + attitudes about Crime+ aims of punishment
R.E year 10 > Issues of Good and Evil
17 cards
R.E year 10 > Issues of Good and Evil
4 cards
R.E year 10 > Issues of Good and Evil
4 cards
R.E year 10 > Issues of Good and Evil
4 cards
Natural Law
R.E year 10 > Issues of Good and Evil
6 cards
Religious and ethical responses
R.E year 10 > Issues of Good and Evil
2 cards
What makes an act wrong?
R.E year 10 > Issues of Good and Evil
2 cards
Key words
R.E year 10 > Issues of Good and Evil
9 cards