week 7

Cards (44)

  • Risk
    Variability of return, if we are certain of the return there is no risk
  • Risk attitudes

    • Risk loving (or seeking)
    • Risk neutral
    • Risk averse
  • Rational people would want (or expected) to be rewarded for risk they take on
  • High risk
    High return
  • Low risk

    Low return
  • Treasury bills

    No risk of default (safe heaven - as safe as an investment as one can make), Short maturity means they are relatively stable
  • Government bonds

    Price fluctuates as interest rates vary, Bond prices fall as interest rates rise and rise as interest rates fall
  • Common stocks
    An investor who shifts from bonds to common stocks share in ALL the ups and downs of the issuing companies
  • Average annual real rate of return for treasury bills in the US 1900-2000 was 1.1%
  • Average annual real rate of return for long-term government bonds in the US 1900-2000 was 2.4%
  • Average annual real rate of return for common stocks in the US 1900-2000 was 8.5%
  • Average annual standard deviation (variance) for treasury bills in the US 1900-2000 was 2.8% (7.8%)
  • Average annual standard deviation (variance) for long-term government bonds in the US 1900-2000 was 8.1% (66.4%)
  • Average annual standard deviation (variance) for common stocks in the US 1900-2000 was 19.8% (391.5%)
  • Normal distribution

    A large enough sample drawn from a normal distribution looks like a 'bell-shaped' curve
  • Approximately 68.26% of observations will fall within ±1 standard deviation of the mean in a normal distribution
  • Approximately 95.44% of observations will fall within ±2 standard deviations of the mean in a normal distribution
  • Approximately 99.74% of observations will fall within ±3 standard deviations of the mean in a normal distribution
  • Mean (or expected value)

    A measure of the return associated with an investment
  • Variance (s^2)

    A measure of the risk associated with an investment
  • Given a normal distribution, the mean and variance provide good measures of the return and risk associated with any investment
  • Holding a diversified portfolio reduces risk as measured by variance
  • The expected return of a portfolio is the weighted average of the expected returns of the individual assets
  • The variance of a portfolio depends on the variances of the individual assets and the covariances between them
  • Diversification reduces portfolio risk because assets with low or negative covariances are included in the portfolio
  • Portfolio
    Need to specify (i) mean, (ii) variance and (iii) covariance of the individual stocks
  • It can be shown that risk, as measured by variance, is reduced by holding a diversified portfolio
  • How and why risk is reduced by holding a diversified portfolio
    Let's look at the (basic) mathematics of the portfolio theory!
  • Two asset portfolios

    Expected return on portfolio: E(Rp) = x1E(R1) + x2E(R2)
    Portfolio risk: σp^2 = x1^2σ1^2 + x2^2σ2^2 + 2x1x2cov(R1,R2)
  • Variance vs. Covariance

    Variance and standard deviation measure the variability of individual stocks
    Covariance and correlation measure how two random variables are related
  • If ρ12= 0 the portfolio risk is given by the sum of the asset variances only
    If ρ12= 1 there is no risk reduction effect from holding both assets
    If ρ12= -1 maximum risk reduction effect
  • What is true for a two-assets portfolio is also true to a multiple asset portfolios: by investing in assets which have a correlation coefficient less than 1 the overall risk can be reduced
  • Diversifiable (non-systematic) (firm-specific) risk

    Risk that can be reduced, if not eliminated, by increasing the number of investments in your portfolio (i.e., by being diversified)
  • Non-diversifiable (systematic) (market) risk

    Risk that cannot be eliminated by diversification
  • Combining stocks into portfolios can reduce standard deviation below the level obtained from a simple weighted average calculation
  • By changing the proportion of funds invested in stocks, one can change the risk-return characteristics of a portfolio
  • Efficient portfolios
    Provide the highest return for a given level of risk or least risk for given level of returns
  • Efficient frontier

    The set of efficient portfolios that provide the highest return for a given level of risk
  • Optimal portfolio with a risk-free asset

    The capital allocation line with the steepest slope (highest Sharpe ratio) is the optimal portfolio
  • Sharpe ratio
    The ratio of reward-to-volatility