Kaji’s alcohol study

Cards (9)

  • Kaij's twin study of alcohol abuse
    1960 Swedish study looking for concordance in alcohol abuse
  • Concordance rate

    The likelihood of two people sharing a characteristic
  • The higher the concordance rate in identical twins than fraternal twins

    The more likely that characteristic is to be genetic in nature
  • Kaij's study

    • Used a large sample size
    • Showed a large effect
  • Kaij's study provides strong statistical evidence for the existence of a genetic vulnerability to alcohol addiction
  • Practical application

    Understanding that addiction may be in part inherited can lead doctors to offer help to other family members who may be suffering
  • Kaij's study only investigated alcohol addiction, it may be there is only a genetic vulnerability to alcohol addiction so these results may not be generalisable to other substance addictions
  • Kaij's study showed a strong concordance rate, however 46% of identical twins were not concordant, 100% would be expected for a fully genetic characteristic
  • There is evidence for both genetic and environmental effects influencing alcohol addiction

    This supports a diathesis stress explanation, genes cause a vulnerability but need to be triggered by environmental factors